
Testimonials from people who have worked with the sales and support teams at PDF-XChange Co are detailed below. If you want to read user reviews about our products, then please go to the relevant product page.

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01 Mar 2023
I can't live without this program. We are a small construction/design firm and this program is the most functional PDF editing program I have ever found.

The dimensioning, scaling and commenting is unrivaled. Trust me, I've tried the other ones. It's on every machine and is the one program I gladly pay for every time.

Here is how die hard we are on PDF-Xchange PRO - we won't switch to mac airs in the field just because of this program.
William Mcmurray United States
27 Feb 2023
I love PDF-XChange. I deployed it at the office, and the staff loved it too. It actually replaced a more expensive solution, which did measurements on PDF drawings for the Estimating department and saved thousands of dollars in licensing. For staff in other departments, it is also a better, and much more fairly priced, solution than anything else available. Whenever I see someone using another PDF product, I suggest PDF-XChange and they are much happier. Kinda funny too; when friends say they can't do xxx task because it's a PDF, and I end up doing it for them, they think I'm a magician. Plus it just works, without all the annoying on-line screen-stealing crap that Adobe forces down your throat. Another plus is they do some of the development in Canada.

I wish they'd develop a mobile app!

The full-screen file open and save dialogue boxes annoy me a tiny bit (but, unfortunately, this seems to the GUI trend of the day in other apps too) and it can take a while to find items in the menu but no other negatives come to mind.
Jan Veitch Canada
14 Feb 2023
Super easy, super intuitive, there's almost nothing this software can't do. It's a Must :)
I'd give PDF-XChange 10 stars!
Mar Sandoval Spain
14 Feb 2023
PDF XChange Editor is as good as Adobe Acrobat Pro if not better! I am still getting use to the many other features and functions of the software.
HJ Heng Singapore
06 Feb 2023
I'll be honest. I've always looked for a valid alternative to Adobe Acrobat. And I've tried a lot of products.
I've also read many reviews, and I've always found out that many are fake.
Then, I started to try by myself a considerable number of applications.
In the end, I've understood that not only is PDF-XChange Pro the best valid alternative to Adobe, but I think it's so configurable that now I'm sure Adobe is not the best.
Adobe is one of the groups of apps that can manage PDF files.
To be short, I have to adapt to a new interface, but I work very fast for my things.
The only "drawback", if I can call it so, is the speed of OCR: other apps are a little faster. But that's ok.

So, if you are looking for a great app that lets you do literally what you want with PDF files, PDF-XChange Pro is a must.
Clementina Coletta Italy
10 Nov 2022
Some of the devoted users of PDF-XChange are convinced that this is the best PDF editor there is. Others swear by the features for the price. My experience was good, however there was nothing mind blowing. But maybe that’s the point. While nothing stood out as incredible, there was also nothing that stood out as annoying or in the way. Nothing was missing nor was anything confusing or frustrating. PDF editors and that line of work can be frustrating as it is, with enough complication. So, by having a system that is easy to use and simple with understandable processes to edit and modify a given document or project, is PDF-XChange ahead of the curve?

I was impressed that even with the amount of PDF editing I do, I did not have to switch to another program. That says a lot to me. I did not have to jump to one I was more familiar with just to get my work done. So in that sense as well, this is a huge positive.

I think this is a great product that has the ability to be your one and only PDF-Editor without any compromise.

Collin Probst ~TechRadar USA
26 Oct 2022
Buongiorno, perdonate se scrivo in italiano ma non conosco l'inglese. Ci tenevo a testimoniare che uso Pdf XChange Editor da un anno e ne sono pienamente soddisfatta. È un alleato indispensabile, grazie a questa applicazione ho risolto il problema dell'archivio di pratiche infinite: registri contabili, registro unico del lavoro, anagrafiche dipendenti, inventario dei beni patrimoniali... tutto ordinatamente conservato in tanti file modificabili. La possibilità di inserire note recuperabili con la funzione "cerca", di inserire segnalibri e rinominare, spostare le singole pagine mi permette di avere un archivio ordinato ed efficiente perché trovo l'informazione che mi serve in pochi secondi. Non potrei più farne a meno, lo consiglio vivamente.
AnnaLisa Italy
27 Sep 2022
Hallo zusammen, das Programm ist übersichtlich aufgebaut. Es arbeitet sehr schnell und sehr zuverlässig. Endlich mal ein Handbuch zu einem PDF-Programm, das klar verständlich ist und entsprechend umfangreich. Genauso wie die Einstellmöglichkeiten im Programm selbst. Die Fein-Tuning Möglichkeiten sind hervorragend, aber nicht "erschlagend", so dass man wirklich vernünftig arbeiten kann. Die Funktionsvielfalt ist erschreckend gut. Ich vermisse nichts. Hut ab. Verglichen mit den Programmen, mit denen ich vorher gearbeitet habe: Adobe zu teuer, oft zu ungenau, Abstürze und Ungereimtheiten (die Druck Ergebnisse waren nicht das, was eigentlich vom Bildschirm und von den Einstellungen her erwartet worden wäre). Bin dann aufgrund dieser Umstände zu einer Kombination aus Foxit PDF Editor und Readiris PDF 17 (und später 22) gekommen. Ich habe lange mit dieser Kombination gearbeitet. Readiris wurde hauptsächlich zum Komprimieren (iHQC erzeugt sehr gute Qualität, bei sehr geringer Größe) und Geradestellen benutzt. Die anderen Bearbeitungen mit Foxit. Der ständige Wechsel zwischen den beiden Programmen hat mich dazu erwogen, mir ein neues Programm zu suchen. Und ich habe einige, wirklich einige, ausprobiert. Aber ich muss sagen, an X-Change Pro kommt keiner ran. Und noch einmal - Kudos to you!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Eva Germany
28 Apr 2022
I can't believe it took me so long to discover this program! All those wasted years using my legal copies of v9 and v11 A-dope and not willing to buy another legal copy due to their price gouging. It always took me a long time to figure out how to do things in Adobe, but it never takes more than a few seconds in PDF-x. It's so much more logically laid out, and the help understands what I'm looking for without having to use specialist language. It's also easy to put the things you use the most right on the quick menu at the top of the screen. Not to mention it took all of a few seconds to define default fonts and formats for added text (something adobe doesn't even support as far as I can tell!) I also added my favorites to the Home menu (I crop and OCR scanned receipts and user manuals a lot.) The new OCR engine is sweet. I also used the convert to XLSX and got a spreadsheet that was actually in the proper columns and rows! Thanks, PDF-XChange!

5 Stars!
11 Mar 2022
Your products are beautifully programmed. The PDF-XChange Standard writer has a beautiful margin control feature, and, it doesn’t “slice” the photos and images. Very nice. Visual appearance of reports is the best. Everything is fantastic. And that includes your PDF-XChange Editor as well.
Andy USA

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