
Testimonials from people who have worked with the sales and support teams at PDF-XChange Co are detailed below. If you want to read user reviews about our products, then please go to the relevant product page.

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21 Jan 2019
I just wanted to let your company know that I am very happy with your software and specifically about a certain feature. I have grown accustomed to using the interface in Version 6 that my company has licensed. Today the IT pushed out an update that upgraded my installed software to V7. When I first ran it, I saw the new Ribbon UI that Microsoft jammed down everyone’s throats. I personally detest the Ribbon, and I was a bit disoriented at first. But after looking into the help files to educate myself where all the options are, I found that you included the option to use the Classic UI or the touch-friendly Ribbons. I switched to the Classic UI and I am one very happy user! So many products only support the Ribbon, and here your software allows the user (me!) to choose. I respect this and am glad that you chose to give this option. Well done on an excellent product! Please ensure this feedback gets to your product managers, etc. Thank you.
Anonymous -
21 Sep 2011

I would like to say that your PDF-XChange Viewer is a great software program and I have made it my default viewer. I don’t require a fraction of its many capabilities but it is really fast.

However, as good as it is, what really impresses me more is the support furnished by your developers and support people.

I am writing a book using Scribus which is an open source, free, Desktop Publishing Program that produces a perfect PDF file. However, when using Booklet Printing, Adobe Reader and others I tried simply would not print the pages properly on my Inkjet printer. My printer, and I’m sure all Inkjet Printers work this way, has approximately ¼ inch non printable area all around the sheet of paper to eliminate the possibility of spraying ink past the sheet and into the case. Unfortunately, this unprintable area was added to the margins already included in the pages of my book making the margins excessively wide and reducing the body text area on the printed page.

I contacted Tracker Support, explained the problem and found them to be very receptive to finding a solution to the problem. Support, with assistance from Tracker developers, patiently cooperated with me and found an answer. I seriously doubt that I could have gotten the help I needed anywhere else.

I highly recommend PDF products developed by Tracker Software as well as the Support People who work so tirelessly to insure that users of their products have a good experience.

Bob Parham
Palmetto, Georgia
Bob Parham Palmetto, Georgia, USA
06 Jan 2011
Just out of interest, I use the Viewer a lot. Really a lot.
There is nothing out there that is better.

Further, I teach about 2 million students on National Radio here in South Africa, and provide I.T. Services to the Ministry of Education.
They were "wowed" when I showed them the Viewer.

I have also appeared on National TV for Technology.
IN 2007, as a part of a 2 member team, we wrote a programme for mobile, and won the International Microsoft Innovative Teacher Awards held in Finland. We beat 75 other countries.

This year, I want to enter again. This will be part of a bigger application which we have completed. This Microsoft competition is non-profit, but provides international recognition across newspapers, TV, radio, Websites, etc.

If you are curios how we use the XChange Viewer for teaching, I can send you details.
I am not joking when I say that the XChange Viewer is going to help our country a lot!

This year, it is all about IT in South African education. I intend to introduce everyone here to Tracker Software Products, in particular the PDF XChange Viewer. It is awesome.

In addition to being a high school Principal, I am heavily involved in technology. In South Africa, we are lagging behind a lot. Most people here use Adobe viewer. I have introduced many people to PDF XChange Viewer!

Best Regards for the New Year

Please keep up the excellent work.

Vanesh South Africa
26 May 2010
I just downloaded one of your products - the PDF-XChange Viewer and I'm rushing to write you, because I'm truly amazed! Yes! Finally, I found what I've been looking for! The excellent tool for me! I use PDF files extensively and speed is crucial to my work!

The software is so intuitive and light! Huge difference in the performance comparing it to Adobe's Reader! The CPU usage is much lower and the application does not slow down when scrolling with middle button between the pages like the Adobe! Officially my new PDF viewer!

And thank you for being so generous and letting me use this software for free! This is a good way to earn my respect, so if I need more advanced applications I will come to you!
Thank you for the great software!

Wish you luck!
Todor Tashev
Todor Tashev California
01 Apr 2010
You guys are the best!! Even though this software is free, you guys always reply within a reasonable time. And the answers are always clear, and to the point.

Thank you for your excellent support.

Claudio Montreal, Quebec
31 May 2017
The ability to load and COMBINE a bunch of PDFs into a single PDF all in one shot ----- sure beats adding one at a time and THEN following that the "story board" ability to reorder the pages (a sort feature would be nice). I have a 60+ page document to build and assemble for our church - these features sure helped. Its the first time I noticed the COMBINE feature - lucky happenstance!! Its the unique features such as this that distinguish this particular program.

Thanks Ted
Ted de Castro California, USA
01 Dec 2009
Well, you asked me to let you know how the rollout went - incredibly well is the reply!

You guys have the honour of being the first software company to ever have users phoning me up to say how much better and faster the new program is. In thirteen years of working in IT, I don't think I've ever seen this kind of response to a product.

We have had a few teething problems, but they were all with specific PDF files in the first couple of days, and I've not heard a single complaint since then.

I've raised all the issues with docu-track already, but the short list of problems we've found is:

doesn't handle 3D
fair enough really, we can wait for this
slow with some (complex) drawings
it's faster than Acrobat though, and docu-track have ideas to fix this already!
some illegible printouts
This was just for one specific PDF, and printing in image mode is a valid workaround.
looses text formatting when editing PDF's created in Nitro
Hopefully this will be fixed in a later version, but Acrobat couldn't even edit PDF's, so I'm not going to complain about this .
I understand that all of these are in active development - and I guess this is what you get for rolling out a beta

So in Summary:

We rolled out a beta version of PDF XChange
Within a few hours users were commenting on how good it was
We had no major problems during the rollout
And have had zero complaints in the last 10 days
It's noticeably faster than Adobe Acrobat
The MSI rolls out really easily
It's not likely to be as vulnerable to the usual PDF viruses

There's no way we're going back to Adobe now. PDF XChange is going to be our default viewer for the foreseeable future, and we'll definitely be looking at docu-track's other products for generating PDF's too.
myxiplx North America
05 May 2017
I am a free version user and had an unusual problem with my PDF X-Change Viewer, my print dialog screen was larger than my laptop screen itself making it difficult to manipulate to change paper size, etc. As a shot in the dark, I wrote in about the issue looking for a solution. As a freeware user, I really didn't expect much - maybe a referral to a faq or forum. To my surprise and delight, I was engaged by a human being (Patrick), who worked to resolve the problem very quickly. I haven't ever gotten this level of customer service from a freeware provider, and only rarely this level of customer service from anyone I pay for services (i.e., cable, utilities, hardware, etc.) Thanks Patrick and Tracker Software for your assistance.
Wayne Clark USA
01 Dec 2009
In running Server 2008 x64 (modified to workstation) on Q9450, im in constant search of 64 bit software to replace old 32 bit tech and utilize my system more.
Well this is the only 64 bit PDF viewer and boy its fast, I compared it to latest Adobe reader 9 (tweaked with no plug-ins) and Foxit reader 2.3, what I did is simple took 300 page 70mb pdf and scrolled from first page to lowest ads fast as possible.
The only software witch did it SMOOTH in seconds was PDF-Viewer, I was AMAZED.
Another big surprise is that the software actually supports Multi Core , up to 8 Threads. You can leave it Auto or decide 1,2,4 or 8 threads. I changed everything to 1 and it still worked as fast as before.
Well this software made with love by Geeks like me who want to squeeze every beet of performance possible, even big company like Adobe don??™t have ANY 64 bit software yet.
So yes, this software is Officially fastest PDF viewer in the world and only one 64 bit and Multi Core support!!

Thanks you for such great gift to US.
Best Regards, Benny
Benny Israel
30 Nov 2009
I submitted a question on your support forum two weeks ago, seeking
help to see if you had a tool that would solve a problem. Within
minutes, I had a response, pointing me to the FREE PDF-XChange Viewer.
I downloaded and tried. As usual I was not disappointed. This latest
version completes what I was looking to accomplish.

Your tools are great! What a great alternative to Adobe in so many
ways! Adobe Watch Out!

Brent North America

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